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The Mother "I AM"

Any remnant of the old feelings of fear, when there are symptoms that are beyond my control or with no explanations, disappears in pure awareness, or fades when bathed in (Mother) Love I AM.

These symptoms are the adjustments to the energies that are entering our bodies. Trust, rest, ground in the Light of pure awareness of being here. All else will and is in constant change, each will pass.

Our body is Divine and if you Love it, it will show you what it needs. If you must then move with joyous expectancy to some remedy or healing modality that will give your body help and comfort, but it knows what to do if only we believe and Listen.

Speak to it like a Mother would speak lovingly to a child who is finding his/her own way in the world. And hear the constant whisper of the Divine Mother within you.

Thank you, thank you.

May you travel Light and Free.

Love Fearlessly.

Shine On

I So Love You,

-Nicky Hamid-

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